Hornbrook, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Horn Brook City? This Hornbrook, CA community has 100% US citizenship. In 2019, the city had 188 people who were White (Non-Hispanic) and 10 people who were White (Hispanic). Additionally, there were six Hispanic residents, and one person was born outside the country. However, this city has more immigrants than residents, so this number is lower than you might think.

The population and steets in Hornbrook are indicative of the neighborliness of a city. The average household size in Hornbrook is 2.2 members. This can help you decide whether the city is a good fit for you. Some people prefer walkable neighborhoods, while others like the tranquility of open spaces. Others do not want to rely on their car for everything. The overall quality of life in Hornbrook is above average, but the neighborhood maintenance and amenities are not.

A good Internet connection is necessary for anyone living in Hornbrook. The city offers broadband internet service through five different providers, including satellite and terrestrial fixed wireless. Viasat Inc. offers 35 mbps download speeds. Hornbrook also has four DC fast charging stations for electric cars. You can use one of them to charge your car in the city. And there are plenty of other electric car chargers in Hornbrook. There are two public charging stations and four DC fast charging points.

The population of Hornbrook City is comprised primarily of veterans from Vietnam. According to the latest census, Hornbrook is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. Its median household income is $35,694 compared to $62,156 for the United States. In Hornbrook, the highest paying industries are Manufacturing, Total, and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting. With so many veterans, it's no surprise that this city has a large Vietnamese population.