Homeland, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a new place to live, you may want to check out the Population & Steets in Homeland. This city is located in Baltimore, Maryland. There are 273 neighborhoods within Homeland. The names of these neighborhoods are largely similar, but there are differences between them. The demographics of Homeland may be helpful to you in deciding whether or not the place is good for you.

The population of Homeland is 93,387. This area is a Southern California suburb, located 50 to 80 miles east of the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. Homeland lies within San Bernardino and Riverside counties and extends into the Mojave Desert and Nevada/Arizona border. Homeland is comprised of 957 homes. The city's beautiful neighborhoods offer a diverse mix of architecture, scenic lakes, and winding streets.

People living in Homeland have different ancestry backgrounds. There are more Irish and British residents in the Homeland / Cedarcroft neighborhood than in other neighborhoods. Furthermore, it has a higher percentage of people of British ancestry than in any other neighborhood in the city. The city also has a higher percentage of Irish residents than in many other parts of the country. With this diversity, Homeland is a great place to live.

The population of Homeland City is divided into four main areas: northwest, southeast, and east. Northwest of Homeland Avenue lies west of Charles Street. The north portion of Homeland is made up of homes in the area. The south portion of Homeland is the Cathedral of Mary our Queen. The north portion of the city contains houses south of Northern Pkwy. The city's population is about 7,000 people. Homeland's west parcel has a large park in the middle.