Healdsburg, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Healdsburg, California, you've come to the right place. The city is situated in Sonoma County, California, and is an attractive blend of turn-of-the-century American charm and European country-side. The city is located 65 miles north of San Francisco. With a population of 11,254 people, the city enjoys a mild climate that can reach seventy-five degrees in the summer and thirty-five degrees in the winter.

QuickFacts provides information on the population and the number of businesses in Healdsburg. This site uses data from the census, American Community Survey, Current Population Survey, and Small Area Health Insurance Estimates. The estimates are not comparable to those of other geographic levels due to sampling errors and methodology differences. QuickFacts indicators are provided on each row in the TABLE view. They are linked with Quick Info icons on the left of each row.

Healdsburg City has a low crime rate. As of 2019, there were only 53 serious crimes committed in the city. Despite its relatively low crime rate, there were still 169 crimes committed, with 87 of those being classified as petty larceny. This type of crime can include stolen bicycles, laptops, and kids filth. In other words, if you're concerned about crime in Healdsburg, you'll want to look elsewhere.

The historic heart of the city is the plaza. The town's early California town planning exemplifies the importance of this public space. In addition to restaurants and shops, you'll also find a vibrant arts and entertainment scene. Visitors to Healdsburg can enjoy a farmers market and summer concert series on the Plaza. The city is home to a museum and Raven Performing Arts Center.