Hat Creek, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the population and steets of Hat Creek City? This article will help you understand this information. This article will provide you with the latest Hat Creek, CA demographics. It will include a map, the median household income, and more. The information below is based on the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data. The data can be used to compare the city to other cities and to see how much the population has changed over the past few years.

The census also lists the racial breakdowns of the population. The most populated racial or ethnic group is White. Other ethnic groups include Black, Native American, and Asian. The median income for a family is around $61,568. People who earn less than this are considered to be living below the poverty line. The majority of people working in Hat Creek are employed in jobs classified as Construction & Extraction Occupations. The least common occupations include Management Occupations and Personal Care & Service Occupations.

The median age of the people living in Hat Creek is 68 years for men and 60 years for women. The median home value is $292,600. The home appreciation rate has been 7.4% over the last decade. However, it's worth noting that men and women in Hat Creek are more likely to be single than those in nearby cities. In Hat Creek, CA, there is only one high school.