Guinda, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Guinda is a census-designated place (CDP) in Yolo County, California. It is located in the Capay Valley, 13 miles northwest of Esparto. The city is in area code 530. Guinda has a population of 113 people, most of whom are homeowners. The city has a liberal, rural feel. The median age in Guinda is 30.7 years.

There were 104 households, and of those, twenty-three were under the age of 18. 68.9% of the households were composed of married opposite-sex couples. Fourteen of these households were male only, and four had a female householder who was not her husband. The other twenty-four households consisted of lone people. Ten households had a senior citizen living alone. The average household size was 2.44 people. Seventy-two percent of the households were family-headed households, with a male to a female ratio of 108.0.