Grenada, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Grenada, you might be wondering about the population and steets of Grenada City. In this article, we'll cover the basics of Grenada's political structure, including the governmental structures and the population and steets of Grenada City. In addition, we'll discuss some of the more interesting historical figures. For example, you can learn about the people who have shaped the island of Grenada.

The economy of Grenada City is small, with only around 100,000 people living in the city. The country began to develop an offshore financial industry in the late 1990s, which helped boost the island's economy. In 2001, Grenada experienced a 6.5% economic growth, despite a worldwide slowdown in tourism. Its inflation rate was low, at only 2.8%. Nevertheless, the city's population is small, and attracting foreign investment will be difficult.

As for the local currency, the country uses the East Caribbean dollar (EC$) pegged to the U.S. dollar, with one US dollar equaling EC$2.70. There are six denominations of the currency, and bills are printed in a variety of colors. In addition, the steel band is popular, and a "pan beat" is heard against the hills on a typical evening. In addition, "pan men" practice their skills.

The climate is tropical, with temperatures ranging between 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 27°C. The country has two distinct seasons - the wet season (June to December), and the dry season (January through May). The rainy season has the wettest weather, and temperatures tend to dip in the evening. The locals are tolerant of foreigners and their ways, and are courteous to visitors.