Greenview, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current Population & Steets in GreenView City is a snapshot of the town's demographics. There are a few key demographics to keep in mind when planning a trip to Greenview. The majority of the population in Greenview City is White, followed by Two Or More, and Black. Families with incomes less than the poverty level are considered poor by the Census Bureau. The three most common occupational groups in Greenview, CA are health technologist & technician, office & administrative support, and education instruction.

The population of Greenview City varies by ZIP Code. Some ZIP Codes are not accepted by the USPS and are therefore often referred to as "not acceptable" or "not-acceptable." There are several ways to get a Greenview zip code. The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides the ZIP Code and can be accessed at In Greenview City, the ZIP code is D (Default). USPS designates one default name for each ZIP Code.

The median income in Greenview is $62,156, and males earn 1.26 times more than women. However, there are pockets of Greenview that are relatively safe. Crime rates are generally lower in these areas than in more populated areas. While crime rates may seem higher in these areas, they are not necessarily a sign of imminent danger to residents. The city is generally well-protected. The local crime rate is lower than the state average.