Gorman, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is information on the Population & Steets in Gormann City, TX. It is important to note that the population of Gorman City has been declining over the past few years. In 1980, there were over thirty businesses in the city. In 2000, it had a population of 1,236. The population is likely to increase over the next few years, but for now, it remains stable.

In addition to its small downtown, Gorman has many other amenities, including a fast food restaurant, gas stations, and lodging. This city is conveniently located adjacent to Frazier Park, which features retail stores, gas stations, and hardware stores. While there are no large commerce centers in Gorman, residents are still within walking distance of larger centers. However, the area does have its advantages. The population density of Gorman City makes it a desirable place for families.

Before deciding to move to Gorman City, it's important to know what the city's population looks like. The city's population was only a few hundred in the early 1900s. The town became a popular stop for travelers when it was first established. Fort Tejon and the Indian Reservation were established nearby, and freighters frequently stopped in the area. Listed below are the population & steets of Gorman City.

The median property value in Gorman, TX was $44,800 in 2019. This figure is less than half of the national average. Moreover, the percentage of homeowners in the city is just 52.8%, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. The average commute time in Gorman, TX is 19.2 minutes, and the median household has two cars. This percentage reflects the local economy.