Garberville, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Garberville, California has low crime rates compared to other U.S. cities. The city's crime statistics show that property and violent crimes are much lower than the national average. The rate of crimes varies depending on the type of crime and the severity of the crime. Garberville, California is in the 26th percentile for crime, which means that it is safe compared to other cities in the U.S.

The city has a diverse population. Almost one-third of the residents are white and 2% are black. The rest are Hispanic or Latino and 0.1% are Pacific Islander. Another 0.1% of Garberville's population is two-and-a-half.

The per capita income in Garberville is $24,347, which is below the California average and about $97,388 per family of four. Garberville has a mix of wealthy and poor residents. Garberville, CA has a largely mixed ethnic makeup. The majority of the population is White, but there are some Asian residents as well.

Garberville, CA's economy is based on the service and retail trade industries. The top three industries in the city pay the highest salaries.