Fort Bragg, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a look at the population and steets of Fort Bragg City, California. The information is based on census data and ESRI's analysis of rental housing. It shows that Fort Bragg has a higher rent burden than the state average of 33.7%, but lower than neighboring cities like Bodega Bay, which has a rent burden of 34.9%. This graph also shows that 61.3% of households in Fort Bragg live below the median income.

The median age of residents in Fort Bragg, CA was 39. The median age for native-born residents was 36. Foreign-born residents were slightly older, at 2.7%. The median income was $13,500. Fort Bragg also has a large population of veterans. In fact, nearly a quarter of the city's population was a member of the military. In 2018, over half of its residents were born in the U.S.

During the Civil War, the town grew quickly. Workers from all over North Carolina arrived to build mobilization buildings for thousands of draftees, volunteers, and soldiers. As a result, the city grew from a small log cabin to a diverse residential and commercial area. The Guest House Museum houses the history of the area. These buildings may have been used as quartermaster's quarters or as surgeon's quarters.

The language of people in Fort Bragg City Center reflects its diverse population. The majority of residents are English-speakers, while Spanish and Italian-speaking people make up approximately 20.0% of the neighborhood. People of different ancestries are also represented in the neighborhood. For example, there are more Portuguese-speaking and Finnish-speaking residents in Fort Bragg City Center than in any other neighborhood.