Canyon Cntry, California Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information contains the population and steets of Canyon Country, California. As of the most recent census, there were 73,918 people living in Canyon Cntry City. There were 46180 residents under the age of 18, 17,565 people in the 18-24 age range, and 47,788 people in the 45-64 and 65+ age range. The median age for the city is 36.2 years, and there are more males than females. There are fewer men than women per 100, but the female population is still larger than that of the rest of Santa Clarita.

The population of Canyon Lake is 24,014. Residents are of the races White, Black, American Indian, and Alaskan. The median age for residents is 49, and a higher proportion of people in this age range are married and have children than the general population. The city is well-known for its affordable housing, good schools, and low crime rates. The median income for Canyon Cntry is $72,600.

The population of Canyon Cntry is primarily made up of single-family homes and tracts of housing. A mix of new and old developments make up the city. In the city center, there is a large custom ranch home community called Villa Metro, and the neighborhood of Canyon Country is largely single-family suburban tract housing. There are a few new developments within the city center, including FivePoint Valencia.