Traskwood, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information about the demographics of the people in Traskwood City, Arkansas, see the table below. It includes the City's population as well as its Steets and Population. This is a useful tool to help you plan a visit. If you're interested in the neighborhood's demographics, you can also learn more about the area's schools. Traskwood is one of the smallest cities in the area.

When Traskwood was incorporated in the late 1900's, the population was around 510 people. Its school was built on the site of a sawmill. That school burned early in the century, and it was replaced by a two-room schoolhouse. In 1911, the Arkansas General Assembly established a school district in the city, and by the end of the decade, the town had four general stores, a hotel, a blacksmith shop, a grist mill, and a Methodist church.

The median household income in Traskwood is $42,228. There are 139 people living in Traskwood. There are 24 people who work in manufacturing, while 19 live in construction. The city's high school graduation rate is 75%, and 57% of people in Traskwood have a post-secondary degree. In general, Traskwood residents have an education level above the national average.

The overall population of the Traskwood Arkansas area is 53.9 years old. The proportion of single women is the highest amongst the cities of the Traskwood region. The city is home to a large percentage of young unmarried women, which is a positive indicator for the area's economy. The median age for women in Traskwood City is slightly higher than the median age of men in the entire area.