Subiaco, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Subaco City is the most recent statistics about this town in Western Australia. The last census was in 2010, when the city had a population of about 572 people. As of the next census, the population of Subiaco is expected to grow to about 554 people. You can also learn more about Subiaco by visiting the city's official website.

Founded in 1887, the City of Subiaco was named after the town of Subiaco in Italy. The town was settled by Europeans in the 1830s, and it was only around 1850 that Subiaco became a municipality. Subiaco's residential population increased during the late 1880s with the arrival of the Perth-Fremantle railway line and the gold rush in nearby Kalgoorlie. Subiaco has since continued to grow, rising from a small number of residents in the early 1990s to around 15,000 in 2011. The city's population is growing again, and Subiaco's Subiaco Road festival is the place to be if you want to enjoy some great live music or street food.

In 2016, there were 9,202 people living in Subiaco. Of these people, 48.7% of the population lived in family units. Twenty-one percent of Subiaco's population was made up of one-parent families. Single parents were made up of 18.2% males and 81.8% females. The percentage of people in Subiaco who are employed is very similar to that of other cities in Western Australia. Twenty-one percent of the population works in the service industry, while forty-seven percent of the residents work in jobs that require blue or white collar skills.