State University, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A population of over one hundred thousand, State University City has been the site of major events and celebrations for over two centuries. With an attractive location and low housing costs, the city has become a popular student destination. While it is not one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the United States, the city has a large student population and is home to several colleges and universities. In addition to being the site of two of the largest universities in the country, the city also boasts numerous large employers and has several small businesses.

The population of the city is spread out, with approximately forty-three percent of residents between 18 and 34 years of age living in single-person households or with roommates. Another twenty-three percent are married couples, while thirty-three percent are non-families. The city's median age is 34, and the majority of residents work in the service industry. The median household income in State University City is just under $36,000, which is low compared to the median income for other areas.

The city's boundaries are outlined by the non-profit University City District, which is a part of the city. These boundaries extend southward from the Schuylkill River, eastward to Haverford Avenue, and westward to the Media-line railroad tracks south of Kingsessing Avenue. In the past, the University City boundaries were the source of community tension. Some residents saw the University City designation as an attempt to break away from West Philadelphia, and thus grew frustrated with the development of University City.