Smackover, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the latest statistics regarding the Population & Steets in Sackover City. The population of this Arkansas city is approximately 1,665 people. Since the census was taken in 2000, the population has decreased by 2.9%. The median home price in this city is $69,500. In the past decade, homes in Smackover have appreciated by 1.2%. The population of Smackover is similar to other cities in Arkansas.

The oil industry is a key factor in Smackover's economy. About fifty percent of the population depends on the industry. The main street of the town looks much as it did during the boom years, with many original brick structures and well-established churches. There are five city parks and a nature trail in Smackover. The town has unlimited fishing and boating, and the Oil Town Festival is held annually.

The highest proportion of the population is from the Americas (44%) followed by Oceania (13.9%). However, the proportion of foreign-born residents is lower in Smackover than in other Arkansas cities. The country's average foreign-born population is 59.2%, with a slightly higher percentage of people from the Middle East (12.7%). The city's median income is $28,400.

Smackover has a diverse population. Residents report being of White, Black, or African-American racial groups. The area is home to several important ancestries, such as Irish, German, and English. English is the most common language, but other languages spoken are Spanish, Italian, and French. While the area is diverse, its residents enjoy a high quality of life.