Powhatan, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information on the Population & Steets in Pothatan City, Virginia? Do you know what makes Powhatan City unique? Take a look at the table below to learn more about this historically significant city. The data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau. You can find detailed data on Powhatan's population and other statistics by using the links provided below.

If you are interested in learning more about Powhatan, VA, you can find out more about its schools. The Powhatan County Public Schools are located within the ZIP Code 23139. This is a public school district, but there are private schools in the area as well. The ZIP code 23139 includes seven different elementary schools and seven high schools. The town is located about 58 miles from the nearest airport.

During the 1700s, more Indian lands were lost to the English. This included the Rappahannock Reservation in 1718 and the Chickahominy reservation in 1792. In addition, Powhatan Indians identified as Christians and spoke English. This trend lasted until the 18th century, when more Indian lands were sold to the British. This period was a time of significant change for the local community.

The population of Powhatan City, Virginia is approximately 348. It is the county seat of Powhatan County. According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, the median household income is $29,750. This translates into an annual percentage rate of 12%. You can also view the median house value of $263,800. The median age in Powhatan is 55.5 years, and the median age for males is 55. Females make about 12% less than males.