Mc Dougal, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a visit to McDougal City, AR, then you may want to know the population and steets in the surrounding area. Below, you will find the cities and towns nearest to McDougal. Find out how much each city is worth by visiting them. Then, you can decide if McDougal, AR is worth visiting or not.

The first settlers in McDougal were Bill Down, Bob Burton, John McCullom, and M. V. Murrow. In the early 20th century, Tom Russell owned a mill in McDougal and operated it until the 1930s. The population of the city was 163. The city's median home value is $27,600. In the past decade, the average home has appreciated by 1.1%.

Population and steets in Mc Dougal City are low. The city was incorporated in 1954 to provide local water and sewer services. The population of McDougal was over two hundred in 1990 and slightly below 200 in 2000. The population density is low and the city is very close to the state average of 67. It is 88% higher than the U.S. average. The McDougal area is located in Clay County, Arkansas.