Hot Springs, Arkansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information about the Population & Steets in Hot Spring City? Are you looking for a place to raise a family, but are not sure which demographics to choose? You might find the information you need on this page useful. After all, a city is only as good as its people. Here are some interesting facts about Hot Springs City. Let's begin. The population in Hot Springs City is about 36,711.

In 1851, Hot Springs was home to 2 rows of hotels, bathhouses, and the usual concomitant businesses. This was a popular destination for both invalids and leisure seekers looking for thermal healing. Today, Hot Springs is home to the National Park Medical Center, which replaced Ouachita Memorial Hospital in 1985. Its population has increased by about 80% since then. This article will discuss the population, the history of Hot Springs, and other important facts about the city.

The city was home to one of the most famous U.S. Supreme Court cases, Mitchell v. United States. The case was precipitated by an African American sitting in the U.S. Congress at the time. Mitchell was forced to leave his first-class accommodations when the train crossed into Arkansas. The city also had a black community, which resulted in a famous "Black Broadway" along Malvern Avenue. The Southern Club became a popular hangout for many gangsters.