Show Low, Arizona Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and the stats of Show Low City, Arizona, you have come to the right place. You'll find a quick overview of the city's demographics and its varying degrees of development. Learn more about the economic conditions, schools, and neighborhoods in Show Low, AZ. Listed below are some of the most important statistics about the city.

The median property value of Show Low, AZ is $170,800, which is 0.71 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rates in Show Low are 61.3%, a slightly lower rate than the national average of 64.1%. Show Low, AZ is home to four thousand and eighty-seven people. The city's top industries are Health Care & Social Assistance (664) and Manufacturing (86136).

Show Low was named after a poker game. The first game played at Show Low was a marathon affair between C.E. Cooley and Marion Clark, who both wanted to settle in the area. They eventually settled on a plan to play a game of cards to decide who would move to Show Low. As the lowest card in poker, the deuce of clubs, was the winning card. So, the city's main street is named after this card.

The median age of Show Low City residents is 39.7 years old. Native-born residents are 38.3% older than foreign-born residents. One percent of residents are Hispanic and 7.6% are Asian. Show Low, AZ is home to a minority of residents. A majority of the residents are white, with only a small percentage of African Americans or Hispanic. The median income is $34,279.60 per person. The median high school graduation rate is 60.