Fort Richardson, Alaska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following chart shows the total number of households in Fort Richardson, Texas in various modes of transportation. The y-axis is plotted on a logarithmic scale to represent the variation in smaller forms of transportation. The chart also shows the car ownership buckets in the city. The largest percentage of households owns two or more cars. The percentage of residents with more than two cars is false. Fort Richardson City is home to approximately 86% insured individuals, including 56.5% of residents have employer-provided health insurance, including 262 pilots and 126 other airmen. The remaining population of people with health insurance has individual coverage or government-subsidized health insurance.

The population of Fort Richardson City is made up primarily of white people, with Hispanic or Latino people making up nearly twenty-two percent of the population. A third of the population is Asian, while the remaining one percent is Black or African American. About 8% of people in Fort Richardson City are foreign-born. The average age of foreign-born residents is 36, a lower figure than the national average of 63.7%. Most residents are single, with only a modest increase in family income in the last five years.