Tyler, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Tyler? There's no one exact answer for this question. Tyler is not among the most congested cities in the country, but traffic during peak commute times is still a nightmare. However, most residents spend less than an hour commuting to work, making their commute times shorter than the average American worker's. In fact, just two percent of Tyler residents live in super-commuting areas.

The income distribution of households in Tyler is also not as level as one might assume. The percentage of households with two vehicles is higher than that for renters, and renters are more likely to be in a lower income bracket. In Tyler, about 83.6% of the population has health insurance, including 40.6% on employee plans, 15.6% on Medicaid, and 11.2% on non-group plans. The city has a high unemployment rate, with nearly 10% of residents living below the poverty line.

While it is true that population growth isn't the main issue facing the city, it is important to realize that the population growth will continue to increase. While a recent study by the EPA found that Tyler city residents experience fewer days with moderate air quality than other cities, this is still an issue for the city. People with respiratory problems and other sensitive health concerns should monitor local air quality warnings to be safe.