Spruce Pine, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Spruce Pine City, Colorado is 2,204 people. This makes it a very small city, but the economic conditions of the residents are worse than in a big city. The poverty rate in Spruce Pine is around 21%, which is higher than the national average of 10 to 13 percent. In addition to this, the overall cost of living in Spruce Pine is lower than the national average.

In the city, the median household income was $44,202. This is lower than the national average of $65,712 for a family. The per capita income was $15,440. The unemployment rate was 0%. The population of Spruce Pine was evenly distributed. Spruce Pine, AL is more than a little different than its neighboring cities. There are several different neighborhoods in Spruce Pine, but they all have their own characteristics.

The most common occupations in Spruce Pine are Management & Support Occupations and Business / Financial Operations. In this order, Spruce Pine, AL residents are most likely to be employed in the management and financial operations sector. The least common occupation is Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting. And the highest proportion of employment is in the service sector. In fact, the population of the Spruce Pine, AL area consists of nearly half of those who were in the military during the Vietnam War.

The population and steets in Spruce Pine are listed below. For more details, see the city's Wikipedia page and check out the local phone numbers of schools, museums, and businesses. You'll find contact information for all of these places. If you're looking for places to eat and drink, check out DT's Blue Ridge Java or The Toe River Arts Council Gallery.