Silverhill, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Silverhill City, AL are important factors for determining the target market for a business. The percentage of households that live below the poverty line is an important indicator of the affordability of the area's housing stock. The rent burden in Silverhill, AL is lower than that of nearby towns, such as Ensley and Grove Hill. While 22.8% of households in Silverhill live in rental units, the percentage of people who own their own homes is higher.

The population of Silverhill is 654 people. The median household income is $40,921 per year. The area has a low poverty rate, which is low compared to the national average. The area is not considered safe for the elderly and the infirm. But, the area is considered safe for children. The median age of residents is 30 years. And there are fewer teen mothers than women, so this area is generally considered safe.

There are many neighborhoods that share the same name. For example, Silverhill is largely Scandinavian, but is also home to several other ethnic groups. The community is an eclectic mix, with high property values and scenic roadways. Silverhill residents can take advantage of a variety of amenities and services, including unique restaurants, nearby shopping plazas, parks, and reliable educational facilities. A community that has a diverse mix of ethnic groups is a great place to raise a family.