Silas, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a quick answer to the question, "What is the Population & Steets in Sillas City?," you've come to the right place. We've put together some stats that will help you determine if the area is worth living in. Population and steets in Silas City are important to know for many reasons.

As of the 2010 census, the population of Silas City was 38,579 people, with a median age of 38.3 years. The population was divided equally between males and females, with 48.9% of residents being under the age of eighteen, 51.1% of the population being over 65 years old. The median household income was $53,772 and the per capita income was $26,605. The percentage of families that were below the poverty line was 16.2% for people 18 and under, and nine percent of the population over 65 years old.

The town of Silas City is located in western Chatham County, North Carolina. The population was 7,878 in 2010; however, that number has risen by 75% over the last twenty-five years. Today, Siler City is home to approximately 8,205 people. With its thriving economy, it's no wonder that Siler City is the largest city in Chatham County. The population is primarily Hispanic, and the area is home to several meat-processing plants. Other major employers in Silas City include textile and furniture manufacturing.