Samantha, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will cover the Population & Steets in Samantha, New York. The demographics of Samantha City include the number of residents and the number of apartments. You will also learn the number of people living in each neighborhood. Once you've answered this question, you'll be able to choose a Samantha City apartment for rent. The following table provides you with a quick overview of the city's population and steets.

After "Sex and the City" became an international sensation, Cattrall made the character her own. She based her character on a real-life friend. Her column, which became a book, was later adapted into a television series. Cattrall won two Screen Actors Guild Awards for the role, and reportedly declined the role of Samantha in the 2011 movie "And Just Like That."

During the episode "Ex and the City", Samantha meets Mr. Too Big and is warned by him about his massive endowment. She squeals with delight when the story turns to another character. Richard, however, seems to be interested in Samantha and asks if they can have some sex, only to be dismayed when Samantha tells him she's pregnant and that she can't have sex with him.