Saint Stephens, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Saint Stephens City is around 500. It is a coastal mid-sized city located on the Atlantic coast north of Savannah and south of Myrtle Beach. The best months to visit Saint Stephens City are May, October, and April. July is the least comfortable month to visit the city. For more information about Saint Stephens, visit their website. You can find important information and helpful resources there.

The town of Saint Stephens City was founded in 1757. The population is highly educated and is proud of its history. It is ranked fourth in the nation for economic development. The town's poverty rate is much lower than the national average, at 10.9%. There are also fewer veterans in Stephens City than in the rest of Virginia. The city has a low crime rate, and many residents live alone.

As of 2019, Stephens City, VA had a population of 2.18k people. The median age was 32.2. There were 303 non-Hispanic households and 151 white-skinned households. Nearly 8.33% of the population is hispanic. The median age is 32.2 years, and the average household income is $64,643.