Pine Level, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets of Pine Level City are, read on! Here you'll learn how to make a decision based on demographic data. You'll also learn why Pine Level is one of the most affordable cities in North Carolina. It has an average household size of 2.6, 71% of which are owner-occupied. You can also read the ESRI data for the city to see what percentage of households are renters.

The median household income in Pine Level, NC is $50,341, which is 0.936 times higher than the national average. A family with two children earns approximately $78,820 per year. The median age of residents in Pine Level is 42.3. A person's family size determines whether they are considered a low-income earner. The city has a high homeownership rate, with 70.9% of households owning their own homes. Approximately 71% of residents work in Construction & Extraction Occupations, while a third live in other occupations.

If you're looking for a home in the city of Pine Level, AL, you may want to check out the surrounding towns and cities. Listed below are the centers of these towns, which can be useful when booking flights or planning a road trip. The population & steets in Pine Level City are shown in square miles. If you're looking for a smaller home, you may want to look at a larger home in a less populated area.