Mulga, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Mulga City, AL are a little less than half of the total number of people in the state of Alabama. The city's population of 856 is made up of 659 White residents and 141 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents. There are approximately 48 two+-person households in the city. The median property owner owns two cars.

The population and steets of Mulga City, AL are a great way to gauge the general economic climate. Fortunately, the area boasts a high percentage of US citizens. In fact, the city has a citizenship rate of 100%. That's higher than the national average and the state of Alabama. Several factors contribute to this high citizenship rate. Mulga is home to a large population of Vietnam veterans.

A majority of Mulga citizens pay property taxes. Mulga residents are responsible for paying a significant percentage of the city's property taxes, which are approximately $800. In comparison to other nearby geographies, Mulga's homeownership rate is much higher than the national average of 64.1%. A high percentage of Mulga residents own a home, and the median household income is $800.