Emelle, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is based on the 1990 US Census Bureau State and County Quick Facts data, which is provided by the United States Census Bureau. The population of Emelle is 90 percent African American, and the average household income was $10096 in 1989. According to Charlie Cray, author of Waste Management, INC.: An Encyclopedia of Environmental Crimes and Misdeeds, the city had a population of 1,848 in 1989.

The population of Emelle is 46 people, and its average commute time is 26.1 minutes. The median home price in Emelle is $75,200, and its appreciation in the past ten years has been 3.8%. You can learn more about Emelle's history by reading the historical records. In addition, take a look at the schools in the city. Emelle has an active community and is well known for its community services.

Emelle is a city in Sumter County, Alabama. The ZIP code for Emelle is 205. The population of Emelle is estimated to be 4,5,699 by 2020. If you're considering billboard advertising in Emelle, Alabama, it's important to consider the economic characteristics of the city. The median house value is $46,458, and the average household size is 2.55. The population is expected to decline by 7.8% by 2020, while the homeownership rate is 4.21 per 1,000 people.