Echola, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of a city, you'll find them in Echola, Alabama. This city has a total population of 83 people and 57 households, and its median home value is $83,750. The average household size is 2.56 people. Its ethnic composition consists of 167.5% white residents, 3.6% black residents, and 0.0% Asian citizens.

The crime rate in Echola is higher than in most cities. In fact, it's more than four times higher than the national average. In addition, the city has higher crime rates than the state average. If you're looking for an accurate crime rate, you should look at the overall population of the city. For example, the crime rate in the city's central areas is only 1 in every 19 people, while the rate is one in every 45 in the eastern part of the city.

If you're planning to visit the area, you can use this list to find out more information. It's a great way to get a feel for the area surrounding Echola, AL. Just enter your desired distance and click the "search" button. Alternatively, you can search for neighboring cities that are close to Echola, AL to find flights to those cities. You'll be surprised at the number of options available.