Columbiana, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you have any idea of the population and sate of Columbiana City? Find out by reading this article. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the answers. Listed below are the population and steets of Columbiana City. Its residents are primarily Christian, but there are many other ethnic groups, as well. Find out what makes this city such a good place to live.

This list of cities in Ohio includes Columbiana. You can also find the population and steets of different cities by checking out the city's page. These lists include the name of the city, street, state, ZIP Code, telephone, and school. You can also view a list of Columbiana schools on the city's school page. The schools are listed below, as well.

The population of Columbiana is reported on the About Page in raw head counts and population density per square mile. To access other data, please visit our About Page. There is a wealth of information and resources available there. You'll also find information on local government and other community services. There's also an interactive map of Columbiana's downtown. The city also hosts the County Courthouse, Shelby County Historical Museum, and George Washington Museum. The city is also home to the Shelby County Arts Council and the high school serves several communities in the county.

The median age of residents was 49.4 years. The population was composed of a mixture of males and females. There were seventy-four percent of married households and twenty-one percent of single households. Another twenty-five percent of the city's residents were in their 50s or older. In terms of gender, there were 46.6% males and 53.4% females.