Coffee Springs, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Coffee Springs, Alabama, you might be wondering about the Population & Steets in the city. This article will help you understand how many people live in Coffee Springs, Alabama. In this article, you will learn how many people live in Coffee Springs and how many households in the city have broadband internet access. The median rent for a household in Coffee Springs is $1,333,333,333, and 66.2% of households have an active broadband connection.

The population of Coffee Springs, Alabama, is 208. Compared to other cities in Alabama, Coffee Springs has shrunk by 17.1% since the year 2000. The median age of the population in Coffee Springs is 18 years old, and 61.2% of residents are 65 and older. The majority of residents are white, and only 11.9% are black. In terms of racial composition, Coffee Springs is slightly less diverse than the state average.