Brookside, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Brook side City? Then you have come to the right place. This article will give you the details that you need to know. After all, this is an important issue for you as a resident of the city. The livability of a city is based on a combination of factors, such as education, crime, cost of living, and overall happiness of the population.

The overall cost of living in Brookside is lower than the national average. The cost of groceries, utilities, and transportation are less expensive than in other cities in the state. This is a plus for those who are on a tight budget. The cost of living in Brookside City is lower than the national average, although it's higher than the statewide average. Residents have fewer expenses, making Brookside a great place to live for families.

The village of Brookside was founded in the early 1960s. This is where you will find some of the city's most prominent houses. You'll find some historic homes, such as 4090 Brookside Ave., which was built by Father Walter Thomas. The first subdivision was called Brookside Subdivision No. 2 and later Subdivision No. 3. In 1913, the Minneapolis General Electric Company installed light poles along the streets. On March 6, 1913, Dr. G.M. Wade requested street lighting in Brookside, and on the following day, Brookside Improvement Association was formed.

The population of Brookside City is mainly white, with 61.1% of residents identifying as white or African American. About 18.5 percent of the population is Hispanic or Latino and 2.6% are other races. The census asks respondents to identify their ancestry, which can be European, African, or American. The population of Brookside City consists of 41,868 Journals.