Arley, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Arley City, you should first know some basic demographic information. This city has a total population of 476. The median household income in Arley is $28,750, and there are no known racial or ethnic groups living in the city. Another important economic indicator is the poverty rate. The area's population is less than one percent of the national average.

The crime rate in Arley City varies depending on the part of the city. The crime rate in the northeast part of the city is almost one in 19 while the rate in the east part is one in twenty-four. Although the crime rate varies by neighborhood, it's easy to see the general trend. A crime map of Arley gives a simple count of crimes. The map closely resembles the population map of the state. Northeast Arley, for example, has forty crimes per year. Conversely, northwest Arley has just four crimes.

The population of Arley is 357 people. There are 174 households. Of those, 337 are white, and 10 are African-American. Two are Native Americans. One other race is Asian. There are 174 houses in Arley. Compared to other cities in Alabama, the city of Arley is quite small - but it still has a growing population. You may want to consider living in a smaller town for a change.