Gertrude Rohrer Phone Number, Address, Age, Contact Info & More

10 people are called Gertrude Rohrer in the U.S. You can find them in 8 states. Pennsylvania and Ohio shares the largest percentage of people called Gertrude Rohrer. We hope the results shown as below can help you find Gertrude Rohrer faster.

  • Age
  • State

Gertrude W Rohrer, Age 93

  • Washington, DC 20008
  • Denver, CO 80238
Phone Number:
  • (202) 362-****

Gertrude Rohrer, Age 98

  • Johnstown, PA 15904

Gertrude Rohrer, Age 83

  • Laporte, PA 18626

Gertrude Rohrer, Age 74

  • Flushing, NY 11358

Gertrude Rohrer, Age 70

  • Evanston, IL 60202

Gertrude Rohrer, Age 90

  • Chelsea, MI 48118
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Gertrude Rohrer Phone Numbers

We've found a list of phone numbers that might belong to Gertrude Rohrer. Furthermore, you can also use FindPeopleFast tools here to get information on where Gertrude Rohrer lives.

  • (202) 362-****

Gertrude Rohrer Addresses

We've found a list of possible home addresses where Gertrude Rohrer could live.

  • Washington, DC 20008
  • Johnstown, PA 15904
  • Laporte, PA 18626
  • Flushing, NY 11358

Gertrude Rohrer's Age Distribution

We have investigated the age distribution of people called Gertrude Rohrer. The largest number of people named Gertrude Rohrer fall into the age group of 81-120 years old, accounting for 70%. The average age of Gertrude Rohrer is 40.


What is Gertrude Rohrer's Phone Number?

Gertrude Rohrer's phone number is (202) 362-****.

What Is Gertrude Rohrer's Address?

Gertrude Rohrer currently lives at Washington, DC 20008. However, these two addresses may associate with Gertrude Rohrer: Johnstown, PA 15904 and Laporte, PA 18626.

How old is Gertrude Rohrer at present?

Gertrude Rohrer is now at the age of 93.

How many states can I find people named Gertrude Rohrer?

You can find Gertrude Rohrer in 8 states.

Which state has the largest group of people called Gertrude Rohrer?

Gertrude Rohrer are mainly living in Pennsylvania.